Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween today in Utah

Halloween is like Christmas in this house. The girls are bouncing off the walls weeks before the event actually takes place, and every day they ask, "How many more days now?!"

It's Halloween today in Utah since it falls on a Sunday this year. So Haley woke up before six this morning ready to start the day. Ryan sent her back to bed only for her to come out a few minutes later...he gave up.

Our neighborhood had a church Halloween party last night...we didn't go. After all the festivities they had yesterday at Haley's school...well, to be honest, the thought of putting the girls back into their costumes, watch another costume parade, more candy, more candy, more candy...need I say more? There is such thing as too much Halloween. Let me rephrase that, there is such thing as too much Halloween when you have kids! Am I being an awful mom? Hey, I just don't want to get sick of Halloween before it's even Halloween!

So yeah, Halloween is today. Let the celebrations begin...or the insanity, whatever comes first.

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