Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Festivities

My parents hosted a Halloween/Birthday party. Both my dad and my brother share the same birthday on November 1. So growing up we always celebrated their birthdays on Halloween. This is the first time in 7 years since we've been together for it! The girls we're thrilled to pieces about it...my mom sent them the most elaborate and spooky initiation for it (I should have taken a picture of it!). So they were very excited.

The girls went as Flappers this year.
They even got the dance down pretty well!

I didn't dress up Piper...I know, bad mom.
Next year Piper, I promise!

I'm always frantically trying to get everything for the girls' costumes, I never bother doing any costume for myself. Jeff was bummed when we arrived without being dressed up (he's dressed like a guy out of the 50's) so I rummaged through my mom's Halloween bin and found some wigs...voila!
My mom decorated the whole basement. I tried to scare Haley as she was coming around the corner.
Little Jett came as a Pirate...what a cutie!
My mom organized a bunch of games. This was the bobbing for donuts game. Tie the donut on a string and the first person to eat it (without using your hands) wins. Haley said this was her favorite game! I realized that I'm not very good at it. As you can see I'm between Ryan and Jeff, two tall people...and my face and donut kept smashing into their chests. I thought Ryan had the win, but alas his donut fell to the ground. Carrie took the prize!
Haley and Morgan...are you using your hands?!

The Birthday men.
The floor is covered with popcorn from a relay we did earlier...just in case you were wondering.
We had tons of food and games and then Ryan, Jeff and Matt took the kids out trick-or-treating. It had been pouring rain all evening, and it finally broke long enough to get out...lucky break!
Now we have candy up to our eyeballs here...and of course I'm eating it.

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