Monday, November 29, 2010


So I've recently downloaded Picasa (sorta like photoshop, but not) and now I'm trying to figure out how to use it. Did you know that's it's free?! Well, I didn't. I guess since we don't have regular TV and my beloved Alias (first and second season are the best) isn't playing on our DVD player (I think the disks are upset about it) this is how I'm spending my evenings. And I was bummed that Cyber Monday did not come through for me today...not a thing did I find! I have got to get my head in the game before Christmas kicks my butt!

Anyway, about the pictures. The girls are obsessed with the Barbie and the Three Musketeers movie. They checked it out at the library and I don't even want to admit how many times they've seen it since then. Haley's outfit was supposed to resemble a musketeer from the movie...and I'm not sure what Morgan's got going on. They walked the "catwalk" and struck a pose.


  1. Luckily, I was there yesterday to represent the family on Cyber Monday. I ordered from 6 different sites! The good news is that almost all of my shopping is finished and my Christmas cards are ordered!
