Sunday, November 28, 2010

Home again...

We're back from our week in Sedona. We arrived home last night, and then woke up to about four inches of snow...and it's still coming down! So, we're glad we made the trek home yesterday...we missed the storm!

Anyway, we had a great time. The weather was a bit on the chilly side, but nothing that prevented us from getting outside. I was even able to get out on the mountain bike twice! However, the second ride I did was about a half hour too long! I totally hit the wall...thought maybe Ryan would need to helicopter me out. I also I had close encounter with a prickly pear cactus...not cool. I still have a thorn lodged in my hand from it...I think it will be there for a while.

It's so fun to see the kids all together, I love that they are similar ages. Parker and Morgan would play forever together! The two of them are very alike and they both are very affectionate with Piper...always giving her kisses! And they both can ramble on and on, and half the time we have no idea what they are talking about. Funny kids.

Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners are my favorite meals of the year. I love everything about them. So needless to say I did not hold back. Mash potatoes, good...stuffing, good...homemade rolls, good...turkey, good (dark meat: yes please!)...pour gravy all over it, goooooood! And it was topped off with homemade pumpkin pie (complete with whip cream) and Ryan's family's traditional Ice Box Pudding for dessert!! Mmmmm!

I didn't do very well with taking pictures (what's new there), so I've posted a few that I did take. I'm hoping that I can steal some from my sister-in-law's blog when she posts some.
Traditional PJ picture. We have one from every year starting with Brandon and Haley as babies in matching footie jammies.
Our hike at Red Rock Crossing.

Playing in the leaves at Tlaquepaque...or Wacky Packy as Morgan calls it.

I was messing around with the video feature on the camera on the way home. I rarely include videos because they always take so long to upload onto blogger. But I decided to go for it...enjoy.

Traveling with kids...there's never a dull moment.


  1. That last video makes me really excited for our drive to CA on Saturday! :-) I don't know how you do it with 3 children, as I can barely handle my one! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Makes our plane ride looks very luxurious...

    I'll get on posting those photos soon!
