Thursday, November 18, 2010

Road Trip Season

It's nearly been a week since I lasted posted...I guess I haven't been in the blogging mood lately. What have I been up to...let's see...

*I've actually started on my Christmas shopping! This is the first time that I've ever started before Thanksgiving...very impressive for me! Every year I tell myself NOT to stress out so much...but, it never fails...every year I stress out!. I'm trying to be more crafty with gifts this year. After all, I have a craft room now! I pulled out my sewing machine the other day. It was sitting on the floor in it's case and Haley asked what it was. I told her it's a sewing machine inside. She had the most shocked looked on her face..."WHAT?! You can SEW?!!". I guess it's been a while...hmmm, come to think of it, the last time I sewed anything was when she was a baby. So yeah, time to get back into it!

*Ryan got rear ended last night on his commute home. He's fine, but the car's bumper is beat up. Unfortunately, he wasn't in the Jeep...that thing can take a beating. We got rear ended in it once and it tore the crap out of the other, nothing. You can't beat a Wrangler! I hate the fact that he has to commute...when you spend 70 miles a day commuting it really takes it's toll! But I'm glad he came home safe to us.

*We're gearing up for our trek to I will be MIA next week. Pretty excited about that...Piper will be meeting her cousins and Aunt and Uncle for the first time! It should be interesting throwing a baby in the mix this year. Hopefully I can still keep up with everyone! Bought Oatmeal Cream Pies (my guilty pleasure, and yes, I know it's a completely trashy snack) and Pringles for the drive's just not a road trip without some junk food!

I feel like there's a gazallion other things I wanted to write about. I guess this will have to do for now.

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