Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Wow, I've been a blogging maniac lately! Needless to say the weather is still dreary (it's snowing right now) and I'm still in the mood to stay home...hence the increase in blogging this week.

Anyway, I thought I'd post a few pictures from this week.

Morgan and Piper playing together.
During the week, when Haley is at school Morgan does not leave my side...kid you not, does not leave my side! She's still scared to be in any room alone, so she becomes my little shadow. But she has also become my little helper as well. She loves to watch and help me cook, and she loves sorting and matching socks when I'm folding clothes. The other day she even helped clean the bathrooms...she is my official toilet scrubber. And she adores Piper and is constantly kissing the top of her head.

A few days ago Morgan said there was a spider behind the basket in the laundry room. I told her I'd take care of it...but I kinda forgot. So today I was doing laundry and she reminds about the spider. I moved the basket and behold...a black widow! Yikes!

So I kinda freaked out a little...I mean, a black widow is lurking in my laundry room for heaven's sake!!
This is the spider right before I drenched him with bug spray

The spider is now dead. But Morgan, who is scared of pretty much everything, (remember the fear of falling trees?) has developed a new widow spiders. She is asking me question after question, "Do black widow spiders live in carpet? What can they do to you? What if they crawl on you? Do they live in houses?" get the idea.
Poor thing...what have I done?!

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