Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's all about the sweat pants these days.

I've been such a home body these past two days. It doesn't take much...the weather went from sunny 70's to overcast and rainy/snowy 40's. All I want to do is stay in my house all day, sip a cup of coffee, wearing sweat pants and cozy socks...is that so wrong? However, things still need to get done. Yesterday I managed to get dressed, that's right, something other than sweat pants, and got some errands done. Flu shots being one of them. But don't worry, as soon as I got home the sweat pants went right back on. I better be careful...I don't want to become a schlumpy mother. The other day Jeff's girlfriend was here and my girls were absolutely obsessed with her! They were admiring her high heels, curled hair and jewelry...they were in awe of her! I must say, she did look amazing! (Jeff and her were on their way out on a date). But anyway, I got to thinking...Am I too schlumpy around my kids?! Maybe I should make sure I glam it up every now and then. A schlumpy rut isn't a good rut to be in. But for now...well, it's okay. I'm transitioning into Winter weather. I need a few sweat pant days to get prepared.

Speaking of being a home body, I've become a very bad dog owner. To be honest, I'm just not in the mood to deal with them. So, unfortunately they've been spending a great deal of time in their kennel. They spend the majority of their time wrestling and humping each other. Yeah, you read right...humping. They are both females and both are spayed, yet they are constantly humping each other! Why?! I'm no dog expert, but this seems very twisted to me...anyone have answers as to why they do this? It's driving me bonkers!

I started hanging some artwork and pictures on the walls...I know, it's about time! It's amazing how the house starts to feel so much more homey when the are walls aren't bare. I love my living room! I think it's my favorite room of the house. I've decided to only put black and white photography on the walls in that room. I have my old school PCH photo and a photo of Anza Borrego badlands that my brother took so far. I need more. So I'm on the hunt for some black and whites of Utah. We'll see what I find. I also need to find some artwork for the family room as those walls are still bare. Andrew...hint, hint! (My brother is an amazing artist!) The decorating possibilities are endless in this house...I love that!


  1. I don't have the dog answer, but Charlotte is spayed and she humps her bed a regular basis. Never have been able to get her to stop!

    We had a babysitter this afternoon so we could go see a movie. One might think I would get dressed, but I was so comfy in my sweat pants that I went to the movies in them! :-)

  2. Well, at least I now know my dogs aren't the only ones that do this. Thanks.

    Yay, for sweat pants!
