Monday, November 8, 2010

Here comes Winter

That's what it feels like. Last week was beautiful! Temps in the 70's even, that's crazy for this time of year. But this week the temps drop and we may even be getting some snow. Today is a rainy day...a good morning to do a post.

Piper had her sixth month check-up last week. She's actually turning 7 months tomorrow, so I know, I was a little late. She weighed in at 12.7 pounds, and is 26 inches long. She is quite much in fact, that the doctor was a bit concerned. I'm to increase her solids and if she wakes up at night I should feed her (I don't like that one very much). Next month I need to take her again for a weight check. But everything else looked great.

I think yesterday was our last warm day, so we packed everyone up (dogs too) and headed up to South Fork for a hike. It was slightly chilly up there, but nothing too bad...sweatshirt weather. So as we're getting Piper in the backpack we discover Haley crying...turns out she was "looking" at the river and slipped in. She was soaking wet from the waist down. Lovely. She decides she wants to try to hike anyway. Well, needless to say we didn't get far before we had to turn around and go home. But we did find a really cool hammock and tree swing right off the trail. So that was good fun for a bit.

So before Old Man Winter comes we have got to get this yard under control! We have been pruning like crazy and still have so much to do! I try to tackle a part of the yard's slow going, but we're getting there.

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