Thursday, December 23, 2010

Almost time!

It's Christmas Eve Eve! I'm pretty giddy with excitement! This week I've been doing some wrapping every evening...and let me just say, the first day I went through all the bags to assess everything I bought I nearly had a panic attack! "I bought ALL that?!!" I discussed the idea of returning a couple of things...but who am I kidding? Yeah right. Basically, Piper is getting the big dis this year, and I'm using money I would have spent on her to buy more for the girls. I know, poor Piper, but she's 8 months old...she'll never know the difference. Besides she'll be pretty stoked to play with all the boxes and paper! Don't worry, she IS getting some things...but we have TONS of baby toys around, she is NOT deprived!

This morning Haley noticed a few more presents under the tree. She picked up one that was for her and said "I know what this is, it's a Pillow Pet!!". (she was absolutely right) How she knew, I'll never know. But I tried to play it off, "You don't know that. It could be snow pants or big footie jammies!" She stayed pretty sure of herself, she says back to me, "It's okay mom, nice try, but I know it's a Pillow Pet!" Oh well, at least she doesn't know which one!

So things are a bit crazy around here, the girls are going full blast all the time! And with all the kids at home all day it's driving me to my limits often...but I'm hanging in there. Yesterday afternoon I spent about four hours going on errands to five different places! Yeah, what was I thinking?!! But I really didn't want to go anywhere today or tomorrow, so it had to be done. Although it nearly cracked me. The last two places the hatch to wagon decided to malfunction and I couldn't open it. I struggled in the rain for a while at Costco with a cart full and the girls going bonkers in the car. Finally some guy probably heard my frustrations (lots of grumbling under my breath) and felt sorry for me. He helped me get it open. But then at my next stop, the regular grocery, I again couldn't get it open. No one was around this time so all my groceries had to be piled up in the passenger seat. Driving home I felt like one of those people that look like they live in their know, with all their stuff crammed in so high that every window has plastic bags smashed up against it. Okay, it wasn't that bad, but close. Bottom line...I survived...thank goodness.

The girls get very excited about gift giving this time of year. And one of the things that they ALWAYS like to do is wrap random things from around the house to give away as presents. This drives me INSANE. The other day Haley "wrapped" a bar of soap in a wash cloth and wanted to put that under the tree. Baby toys are another favorite to wrap up. Morgan tried to wrap a hairbrush yesterday. They probably wonder why I go nuts every time, "Stop putting junk under the tree!!!! Those are NOT gifts!!!". Now they have resorted to drawing pictures and folding them into teeny tiny pieces and putting them under the tree . What ever. I don't even what to think about how much paper these kids consume on a daily basis. We are not saving any trees around here. Gotta change that.

So today it's all about laundry, cleaning, and some baking. All of our beautiful snow and turned to muck again. Yeah, that 14 or so inches we got the other's slowly disappearing. Bummer. I really want a white Christmas!

Well, better get busy.

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