Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Let it Snow!

Well, the rain has turned to snow...and overnight it accumulated quite a bit. We woke up to over a foot and it was still coming down hard. Days like this I wish everyone could stay home and stay off the roads. But, I guess life needs to go on...people need to get to work, stores need to open, and in Haley's case, school remains in session. However, I must say...it was beautiful to wake up to.

One our way to pick up Haley.
The roads were too bad to push a stroller.
The dogs were having a ball tromping around it.
The girls built their first snow man of the year.
Seriously, I only helped them get the head on, they did everything else.
Not bad.
Don't mind our wreath in this picture. The big magnet hook that it's hanging on isn't doing so well these days.


  1. All that snow looks so pretty! In December anyway... by late February/early March, I'm over it. We got 2 or 3 inches yesterday, and that was enough for Parker and I to sled on!

  2. Your house is so beautiful!!! wow! I bet this is going to be a really fun Christmas for you, I am sure the girls are so excited. Auntie Jen will be bringing late Christmas and Birthday presents when I stop by this spring.
    Piper is so photogenic! I refer to her as Piper-bear, because she looks like a cute little smiley bear in all her pics.
    Hope you have a GREAT Christmas and I am sorry that I am going to just miss you guys!
