Sunday, December 19, 2010

Rain, Rain and More Rain

Yes, rain...not snow. We had a beautiful layer of snow covering everything, until this rained all night and now all the snow has turned to muck. Wet, muddy, muck. And it's supposed to continue for the next three or four days. I guess California is getting hit pretty hard with the rain as well. All I can say is it better be over by the time we get there! I want sunny warm weather when we're there next week!

So today we're enjoying a very relaxing Sunday. I don't think any of us got dressed until after lunch, and the girls just swapped jammies for dress-ups and I swapped jammies for sweats (really no difference there). The girls are going for the Shrek marathon today (they've already seen the original and now they are currently on the second one). I've been baking Cinnamon Bread this afternoon and Chicken and Dumplings is on the menu for about comfort foods!

A big turn around from yesterday as I was quite the Grump...yes, with a capitol G! I hate days like that...where I just wake up grumpy. Everything irritates me...and of course it's everyone elses fault that I'm acting that way. Sheesh...what a pain in the butt I can be.

So anyway,'s all good.

This is what my laundry room looks like everyday. Have I mentioned how glad I am that I have a laundry room!! Before this house, all this was just piled up by our front door, so if anyone came over we would have to kick it all out of the way. It's still all in a pile, and we do still have to kick it out of the way...but at least it's not the first thing someone sees when they walk in the door.

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