Friday, December 17, 2010

Week in a Nutshell

Still shopping...I'm actually doing pretty good though, I'm not completely stressed out...yet. Shopping for little girls is very hard for me...everything looks cute...everything catches my eye. Constantly, I think, "Oh, the girls would love this!!!". I have to hold myself back all the time, otherwise I'll be sending this family to the poor house!

Morgan's preschool had their Christmas program on Thursday. It was so fun to see her up there will all the other little kids! And I must say she did a terrific job! She even had a little part where her and this other girl dressed as dolls (basically the costume was to wear a dress and they gave them a big bow to wear in their hair...cute none the less!). So, yeah, her and this other girl stood up together and curtsied every so often during the song...pretty cute! Of course there was much waving back and forth between Morgan and I...and at one point she even called out, "Mommy, take my picture!!!". And I tried, honest, but the flash didn't reach so it came out too dark...hence the reason I didn't post any. Sorry.

We finally got around to ordering our Christmas cards. Now, every year that we've been married we've done a family photo for the card. This is the first year we didn't get to it!! Gasp!! I know. We were running out of time, so we had to come up with something. We ended up just finding a couple cute pictures of the girls (such as the ones on my blog banner)...and for Ryan and I we had Haley snap a few...yeah, Haley. So our Christmas card this year is a collage of three pictures...not sure how I feel about it. For one, I don't think I look all that great...I think I look old...beat down...tired. But I guess when my face is right smack next to a little eight month old with perfect, flawless skin...I would look old. And when the photographer is 6, I guess I can't expect miracles or anything! As Ryan says, "It is what it is."

Next year I'm going to have to glam it up!!

This week as gotten a bit fact, it's snowing as I write this. I still walk Haley to school in the mornings despite the freezing early morning temps. I feel like the mom in A Christmas Story bundling up the kids before she sends them to school. Boots, gloves, jackets,'s quite the process. And little Piper sits in the stroller with basically just her eyes peeking out. But, the cold walk is better than battling it out with carpool moms...I tell ya, it can get crazy in that parking lot!!

Well anyway, I guess that wasn't really "in a nutshell", but their you have it.

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