Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Cheer

Last year at this time I wasn't feeling an ounce of Christmas spirit, a bah humbug all the way. Maybe because we had been knocked down with sickness the first week of December (thanks to Jeff for bringing back with him from CA). Also, I was completely paranoid with H1N1 as fact Morgan ended up getting it we're pretty sure. I didn't want to go anywhere...I was terrifed of germs, carrying around antibacterial gel everywhere I went. Not to mention the fact that I was stressed the entire month with the dreaded, "What do I give ______ this year?!" Oh, and I was pregnant and just plain tired all the time!

This year I'm feeling the Christmas Spirit! I'm loving this month! I feel a lot better with my gift choices and I'm way less stressed about it. The girls are more vocal on specific things they want making it easier to shop...actually Haley is...Morgan says she "loves all toys". Her words. I wish she could give that to me in writing and sign it! I don't want any disappointment Christmas morning! And I'm so excited about celebrating Christmas in our new home!

Saturday we went out and bought our tree, then spent the evening listening to Christmas music, drinking hot cocoa, decorating, and we even lit our fireplace for the first time! I love having a fireplace!
I found myself standing in the doorway of our living room just staring at it...I couldn't pull myself away. It's just that the room seems so grown perfect. Yes, the walls need to be painted some day...yes, the room could probably use some window treatments at some point...but for's perfect. Perfect and cozy.

Goodness, is this truly a post by me?! It seems so happy. I'm sure I'll have some complaints about something soon enough...but for now, I enjoy my Christmas cheer!

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