Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Barbie Fashions

I'll hand it to the girls for their creativity when it comes to accessories and outfits for their Barbies. Kinda sad that they have to resort to garbage and random household items...but impressive none the less.

Our first Barbie in the line up is wearing a lovely dryer sheet skirt held securely in place with a pink hair band. Barbie two is sporting a head scarf made from the plastic bag our newspaper comes in...her hair will stay dry in the rain. And lastly, Barbie three is wearing a washcloth dress with a ribbon belt...very nice.

Hmmm...I'm thinking Barbie clothes are in order for Christmas.


  1. This cracked me up! I love it!

  2. The girls should be on one of those fashion reality shows where they have to make clothes out of trash and stuff...they would win, hands down.
