Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Breastfeeding: Newborns vs. 8 Month Olds

Okay, first off let me just say that I'm very blessed that I'm able to breastfeed my babies. So no matter how much I complain, I know, I'm very lucky.

So...nursing a newborn. Ahhh, so peaceful. They are so small and they just lay so still, perfectly content. They would be happy nursing forever if they could. My babies would love to stare at me while they ate examining every feature (or wrinkle) on my face, or doze off sweet. If I nursed in a crowded area, the noise would never bother them. I would just drape a blanket over my shoulder and there is would stay for the entire nursing session.

The "honeymoon" phase of breastfeeding vanishes (at least for me) when my babies turned about 6 months. It's now a whole new world.

They don't sit still anymore, constantly kicking and bouncing around. It's impossible to use any type of cover as they will immediately bat that away. And I realize there are some really cute cover-ups that tie around your neck I could buy. However, I won't wear them...they remind me of 1. a bib and 2. like I should be getting a haircut. They are not for me...I would rather risk exposing my breast then wear one of those!

Also at this age they can not only still see you very clearly when they nurse, but they can now reach your face with their hands. This results in many uppercuts to the chin, scratching, and pinching. Why?! Don't they know I'm giving them life?! Why must they hurt me?!

They also love to grab hold of shirts. They don't care if the shirt is from Target and cost $5 or your expensive blouse from Banana Republic...say goodbye the neck hole as it will be stretched to it's limits.

At this age babies love to see what's going on around them, this results in breast exposure when they turn their head to look around. Or (because they are torn, they want to eat but they also want to see what's going on) they play "Let's see how far I can stretch mom's nipple" game. Yeah, it's not gonna work, it stop.

And starting around 9 months (sometimes earlier) they start getting teeth. Need I say more?

But, with all the complaining...again, I'm glad I'm able to do it. I nursed my first two for a year, and I plan to do the same with Piper. It's more of a practical thing for me. It's convenient (no need to pack anything) and it saves us money (formula can get pretty expensive). So I'm in the home stretch, as Piper is now 8 months old. But you know, as much as I complain, it will be bittersweet when I wean her...that I know for sure.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I totally understand. At about that age, Asher decided he liked to pinch me and then laugh.....such a boy!
