Thursday, December 9, 2010

Close One

This year since Morgan is in preschool two days a week I have a small window for Christmas shopping without having children with me (except for Piper, but luckily she's too small to remember anything I bought...or care). Granted, it's only two hours on those days, but still, two hours...I'll take it!

So anyway, this morning I ran around to as many stores as humanly possible during my two hour window. Among some of the things I bought were a few stocking stuffers for the girls. One in particular was a plastic reindeer that poops out little candy balls (I know, pure class)...and not only poops out little candy balls but it sings a little jingle, "Merry Christmas, Wooo Hooo!!"...or something like that. Okay, so it's loaded in the back of the car with all the other things covered up with a blanket. I picked up Morgan from school and as we're leaving the parking lot I have to drive over a few speed bumps (very large speed bumps mind you). And low and behold, but those dang speed bumps triggered that stupid deer in the back to go off. Now stocking stuffers really need to be top secret from the kids...I mean, that's Santa's territory! You don't want the kids to know you have anything to do with the stockings!! Luckily, Morgan is chattering away about her I don't think she was paying too much attention. But the deer keeps going and so I have to take matters in my own hands...I crank up the radio super loud! Poor Morgan is trying to still talk over the radio, practically screaming. "MOMMY, THE RADIO IS TOO LOUD!!" I respond, "IT'S OKAY...I LIKE THIS SONG!" Now that I think about it...I think it was a commercial at the time. Oh well. Eventually the deer shut it's trap and I could finally turn the radio down. And I'm pretty sure (but not positive) that she never heard it. Whew!

1 comment:

  1. Same thing happened to me with a darn Elmo doll today! LOL
