Monday, December 13, 2010

"My tummy hurts."

This is a phrase that no parent wants to hear from their child...ever. Nothing good comes from this sentence. Unless, you're Morgan...I hear her mutter this quite often. But, she gets a little confused...she says this when she's full or right before she goes to the bathroom (What's up with children holding it and holding it, until finally their stomach hurts...I don't get it). But anyway, any other child that says this...yeah, it's not good.

So this morning Haley woke up saying she was super tired, which is very rare. She barely ate anything, which is also very rare. But whatever, I walked her to school and she was in good spirits when I dropped her off. I walk home, about 45 minutes pass and then I get a phone call from the school. Haley has been complaining she is very tired, even laying on the floor...and she says her tummy hurts...dun, dun, DUN! So I walk back to school to pick her up. She does not look all...well, okay, maybe a little tired looking. But she uttered the dreaded words, "My tummy hurts." at school, they're not going to keep her now...she needs to go home. It's like saying "bomb" on a plane. Don't do it, unless you mean it! So I get her home and she says, "Now what?". Well, you go lay down, that's what, get some rest! I try and try to get her to stay put to rest for about an hour, no use. She's now downstairs playing with Morgan...yeah, I think I just got played.

I guess time will tell.


  1. If I say my tummy hurts, can I come home and play too?

  2. I also think you got played. Didn’t the school nurse check her before letting her home? Well, she’s not the first child to use this line to get away with something. Or could she be stressed about something at school? Stress and anxiety could be one of the main reasons for a child’s abdominal pain. I hope that wasn’t the case, though. Have a good day!

    Natalia Campos @ Primacy Care Associates
