Friday, December 31, 2010

Kicking off the New Year!

Enjoying life in the LBC!! Seriously, we skipped out of town in the nick of time as we are missing extremely cold temps in Utah! It will be hard to go back after basking in the sun in S. CA. Actually, in all honesty it's been a bit chilly here, in the low 60's...brrrrr. It's kinda funny seeing people walking around the beach wearing huge Winter jackets and scarves, and right beside them my kids are wearing their swimsuits playing in the water! And they are not just getting their feet wet, they are completely submerged in the water...they are crazy! How are they my children?!!! Someone would have to pay me to get in that water! At one point a wave knocked Morgan over and she was flipping through the water with just her feet sticking out. I thought for sure once Ryan fished her out it would be meltdown city. But nope, she picked herself up, laughed it off and went right back in! That's a first.

We've been getting together with family often and eating lots of food! Good thing I brought my bike...a little exercise will do me good! I've already rode two days in a row...go me!

We're gearing up for another family dinner tonight to kick off the New Year! We'll see if I can make it til midnight...I suspect many games of Skipbo are in order, and some caffeine wouldn't hurt either!

How we are bringing Good Luck and Prosperity for the New Year:

*Lentil Soup (Italian we are not Italian...but whatever)

*Corn Bread (brings prosperity, color of gold) Love that money baby...Whooooo! (That's a Taledaga Nights reference...I'm not that shallow, honest.

*Loaf of Chocolate Marble Cake (lucky coin is baked inside bringing good luck to the person who gets it...hopefully they don't choke on it...that would be bad).

*12 grapes on a stick (we put it in our sparkling cider), drink it at midnight, each grape represents every month. Sour grape=bad month. Come on sweet grapes!!!

*Donuts in the morning. They represent the circle of life! Don't cheat and eat a crummy needs to be a donut!

With that...Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Year!

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