Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Home again and New Year's Resolutions

Well, we are home after a week in S. CA. Wow, that drive just gets more and more grueling...as the kids get bigger and take up more space we are in constant reminder that we NEED A BIGGER CAR! I feel as though those kids are breathing down my neck the entire drive! And I'm not sure what's up with Morgan, but she has a really hard time controlling the volume of her voice. "Do you need to yell, Morgan?! We are all right here!!". And I must have said, "Haley, please stop kicking my seat!" a thousand times! And there is nothing like a crying baby on top of it all to make my insanity level go through the roof! BUT...with all the craziness, it's so worth it! We had a great time visiting with family...I'll get pictures posted sometime, as I'm too lazy to get up and find my camera right now.

Piper caught the cold that Morgan and Haley had, however, she has developed a fever along with it. Snotty baby with a fever = not so fun. So, hopefully she'll recover soon.

I've been thinking a lot about New Year's Resolutions for this year. Some things I want to work on:

* Sticking to a daily routine.

*More exercise. In fact, I've been thinking about picking two races to do this year...it's been a great long while since I raced on the road.

* Save more money. I do a pretty good job of this, but I know I can do better.

* Work on more crafts. I love doing paper crafts, and I love to sew...now that I have a craft room I would like to have some projects in the works.

* Be a better mother and wife. Patience...I need to work on patience.

2010 was good to us. We welcomed Piper into our family and we moved into a beautiful new home! Here's to a new year and a fresh start...I suspect more great things to come!

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