Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 Months

My little Pipes is 9 months already! She had her check-up this morning. She weighed in at 14.5 lbs and is 27 inches long...she's a petite little thing! She's barely in the first percentile for her weight...but then, all my girls have been on the skinny side. She's showing consistent growth, and that's the important thing. She's still scooting all over the place, pulling herself around with her arms, but no crawling...not yet anyway.

A few weeks ago I was at the mall shopping with my mom. I had to dart into a women's lounge for a quick nursing session. A woman came in with three young boys about the same age as my three girls. We chatted a little. We both agreed that we had our hands full and then she said to me, almost with force in her voice, "So you're done having kids now!" I said no. She was surprised...almost shocked in a way that I wanted more. She was very adamant that she was DONE! I've thought about that ever since. I hear women say all the time, "I'm done having kids, this is my last!". When I had Haley, I knew I wanted another...I had a peace of mind knowing that the crib would be used again. I felt the same with Morgan. And now with Piper I still crave more. And I'm pretty sure I'll keep feeling that way...I don't want to let go...I don't like the thought of "being done". Yes, I know I'll have to stop at some point...we're not going to turn into the Dugguts or anything! But I know I'll never want to use the phrase, "I'm done", ever.


  1. I like the three we've got, why stop, right?

  2. It's a scientific fact that the more kids you have, the more likely that one will become rich and famous and take care of you.
