Thursday, January 13, 2011

School drop off zones...avoid them.

Most days I walk Haley to and from school...I prefer it really, because to be honest, I can't stand the drop off zone in front of the school!! I hate it! People drive me crazy! There is a system people, follow it! There are certain times of the morning that it gets more crowded than others and the line does get long. But we wait in it, because we have to. So when I see Mr. "I think I'm so cool in my fancy Audi sports car" skip the entire line of cars, parallel in front of the school, blocking every other car just so he can drop off his little bratty kid...I tell ya, I really wish I was driving in a tank so I can just ram the crap out of his fancy shmancy little car!! Why do some people think they have the right to do things like that! It's like when there's a huge traffic jam on the freeway, and then there's that A-hole who passes everyone in the breakdown lane! I hate people like that!! And it's not just Mr. Audi man who does that in the mornings, I see others too. And you know's always the people in really fancy cars screwing up the drop off system. So what, you have a lot of money and now you have the right to ignore the rules!! Ooooh, it gets to me! And you know what's worse. One day I'm giving the evil eye to people in the car pool lane and the next I'm waving hello to them at church...because chances are they're in my ward.

I think I'll stick to walking.


  1. I hate that too big time! Last year, there was this lady in a Durango who would get out of her car(parked in red zone-hello!!) and walk her daughter into K-garten every day and cause major traffic jams because of it. She got the evil eye from me every day. Still does. I'm awful.
