Friday, January 14, 2011


This is the month for reflection and creating New Years resolutions. I know some resolutions I make for myself will probably go by the's impossible to stick to every single one (at least for me anyway). However, I do make note of things I would like to work on. I know I already made my list a while back, but I was thinking of something else I need to work on that I would like to add.

Spontaneity! More specifically, spontaneity in my marriage. Sometimes I get caught up with the every day that I forget to have a little fun every now and then. Little things...out of the blue kinda things. When we were California is rained one day. Not a drizzle, but a hard rain. And you know what the first thing I though of? Grabbing Ryan to kiss him in the rain. I'm sure I've kissed him in the rain before...but I can't remember any specific incident. Well, I didn't do it. I regret it...I should have.

Another regret...I should have gone to Hawaii with Ryan when he went for work a couple years back. We could have figured out something with the kids...but I didn't even try. It would have been a pretty fun getaway even if it was for just a few days. Darn.

When we were first married having some fun and being spontaneous was pretty easy to kids. But now...yeah, not as easy. But just because we have children, doesn't mean that spontaneity has to disappear! As the mom in National Lampoon's Vacation said, "I know how to have some fun!". You remember the part, right? Then they both jump in the pool for some skinny dipping. And that's my point! It's more than a weekly date (even though we don't get that) but I think it's the little fun things that keep you feeling young...and not to mention keep that spark alive!

So, whether it's a spontaneous kiss in the rain or a "quickie" located somewhere crazy...being spontaneous and fun is the key! Just because I've been married for 11 years and a mother of three, doesn't mean I don't know how to have a little fun!