Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lazy Sunday

I've been a bit of a homebody lately...only leaving the house when completely necessary. I don't mind. I like to hunker down and putter around the house. The girls on the other hand are getting their share of outside play. They've been out in the yard nonstop, Ryan took them sledding yesterday afternoon and today Haley is skiing at Sundance with the boys. Since Jeff is a ski instructor there, we're hoping she can tag along with him for the day. If not, she'll be skiing with Ryan (he has a season pass this year...lucky him...and yes, I'm a little jealous). Next week it will be Morgan's turn. I hope they grow to love it! It's so nice to have ski resorts practically in our backyard!

So it's Morgan, Piper and me hanging out today. We've been painting nails, baking cookies, doing laundry (Morgan actually enjoys helping me with this task), coloring and watching Magic School Bus.

I'm trying to think of something to do with the girls tomorrow since they have it off and all. Yes, this will force me to come out of my cave, perhaps I'll even glam it up a little! I'm thinking of going to a museum, if they're open.

So, I think we have some little critters in our garage...more specifically, mice. We knew this may be a problem in the Winter since the owners listed it as one of the disclosures of the home. There's a little space under the garage door they must be crawling under to get in. And our big bag of dog food and pile of straw (we use it for the dogs' bedding) that we store in the garage I'm sure isn't helping to repel them. So yesterday Ryan tidied everything up...secured the dog food and straw into plastic trash bins and swept everything up. We also set mouse traps along the walls and we put a couple in the attic space above the garage. We'll see if we get anything...this is a battle that we will win! Keep you posted!

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