Monday, January 17, 2011

Oh no...

Well, my day of fun with the girls hasn't been the most fun.

The day started out great! Haley and I even got to work in the craft room this morning while the other two were still sleeping. I did a little bit of scrapbooking and Haley created a beautiful Spring picture using Popsicle sticks, stencils and stickers.

After everyone was up we worked on our cookie cut-outs from yesterday. Did some coloring. Then after lunch it was off to the Life Science Museum on BYU's free and the kids love it.

I noticed Piper wasn't really in the mood to nurse before we left. I thought, no matter, she did just have a big lunch of mac and cheese. Whatever.

We were at the museum having a good time when a lady stopped me and said, "Excuse me, your baby is throwing up." WHAT?!!! I look down and there is poor little Piper covered in vomit and it's all over the stroller tray as well. Luckily, none of it got on the floor. I grabbed the girls and we zip into the restroom to clean her up. We unfortunately had to cut our time there short and take her home. Haley flipped out!!

So I had to walk back through the museum with Haley crying, "I don't want to go!!!" and a little baby who smelled like vomit.

I gave Piper a bath and layed her down for a nap. Haley has since calmed down (Morgan was a trooper the whole time...not one fuss came out of her...thank you Morgan).

I haven't fed Piper since 9:30 this is now 4:30. That's not good...for me...or her. She is not at all interested in eating (I don't blame her there). So my only other option is to pump. I hate pumping! I hand it to any woman who can do it. It hurts and I can't get it to produce much of anything...I walk away feeling just as full as when I started!! And I hate sitting there with a stupid contraption hooked to my breast while it makes weird sucking noises. I gave it up when I had been sitting for a half hour and had only 2 ounces to show for it! Maybe I'll hunt down my manual pump...the electric one just isn't working for me.

I just hope my little Piper feels better soon. And I hope, I hope this is a one child sickness...please.

1 comment:

  1. Parker told me that he would like to get a stomach bug soon, so that he could lay around all day and watch movies. Apparently, he's a glass-half-full kind of guy. Hope no one else in your family comes down with anything.
