Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cheer 101

Haley brought home a flyer the other day advertising a Mini Cheer Clinic for girls ages 3-14. This struck my attention. First, it's something that is for kids under 8 (is just me, or is all the good stuff they offer for kids always 8 and over). Second, it's something that both Morgan and Haley can do together! So I signed them up. It's only three days and the third day they do a cheer at the high school basketball game.

It started yesterday and boy were they excited! They split the kids into different age groups and each group is learning a slightly different cheer. They cracked me up! First off, Haley and Morgan have about the same amount of rhythm as Ryan and I do...none. Hopefully they'll acquire more as they get older. But they did great following as best they could. Haley couldn't wait to come home and practice. But she only practiced the stretches they did...apparently that was her favorite part...yeah, the stretches. So she spent a good half hour doing all kinds of yoga moves in the living room.

The have another practice today, and then tomorrow is the big show! I can't wait to see how they do!

Just as a side note: I was never involved in Cheer growing this is a whole new world for me.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering...Piper's diarrhea has finally come to an end. Hallelujah!! Nine days was a lot of poop. Glad that's over.


  1. Please film them and post it!!! I would love to see!

  2. so fun! i think my girls would have loved something like that.

  3. Glad to hear that Piper is better.

    I, too, hope you post pictures.
