Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sorry dogs, maybe next time.

I have been a very bad dog owner lately. To be honest, my dogs are bugging the crap out of me, and I just don't want anything to do with them right now. The backyard is a mess. The snow has melted creating a mud pit everywhere. When they are out of the kennel they just zoom around the yard so fast creating a mud track destroying the grass. Needless to say, they get covered in mud so there is NO WAY I'm letting them in the house. The only exercise they're getting is when Ryan takes them out for a run, or they're zooming around the backyard until I can't stand anymore destruction and I kennel them back up.

So, this morning I had made up my mind. I was going to drop off the girls at school, come home and take them on a walk. That's right! Now, keep in mind this is when I usually lay Piper down for her morning nap and I can sit and do what ever I want for TWO whole hours before getting Morgan.

So first thing this morning I put on some work out clothes so I'm ready to go later. Come home from taking the girls...I nurse Piper so she tanked up...and then I look out the window and low and behold, it's snowing, quite hard. So I forfeit the walk. I've since layed Piper in her crib, she's sleeping soundly and what do you know...it stopped snowing. Oh well. There's a perfect sheet of snow on the ground now, perfect for slipping on...and knowing me, with a big stroller, two dogs...yeah, I'd slip.

Maybe Thursday will be a better day to take them out.

Now I think I'm going to go enjoy a silent and peaceful house. Of course I'll leave my workout clothes on...it makes me feel sporty...plus people will think I did a workout when really I didn't. Hee hee hee.

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