Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday...start fresh!

I'll try to spare everyone yucky updates with illness in this house. Haley said the other day, "Why does everyone have to talk about POOP in this house?!!". You're right Haley...too much poop talk. 6.

Okay, I'm done. That's all I'll say.

But I will say how exhausting this is!! She wakes up constantly throughout the night, it's as if I have a newborn again! And she's extremely fussy in the day. Just the other day I had to clean the bathrooms while holding her in my arms! I couldn't bare to set her down, she just crawls (well, she kinda just drags herself still) over to me and just cries at my feet holding my pant's so sad. Thank goodness for Morgan, who loves to clean toilets...she helped me quite a bit!

This has to end...Please!!!

Even Ryan came down with a wave of nausea this weekend...but, luckily it didn't amount anything but that. I bit of rest and he was good to go. But still, it made for a not-so-great weekend.

Here's to a better week.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the weekend sucked. I will make it up to you.
