Saturday, January 22, 2011

Loving the Mountains

This is the view from our porch.
I love living close to the mountains. I love opening the blinds and seeing the sun coming up over them. I love how they glow from the evening sun too. It's beautiful.
We have a group of deer that visit the neighborhood on a regular basis. Three in particular (two females and a fawn) that we have seen the most, but occasionally their friends will join them (the most I've seen is nine grouped together). They love to visit the cul-de-sac across the street...there is an empty lot they like to meander around in, and we see them there just about daily.
I don't mind seeing them around as long as they stay away from my fruit trees and garden come Spring and Summer!
Can you spot them?

Update with the girls: Haley is perfectly healthy...her illness was very short lived. Piper, still 5. Oh please, give me strength!

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