Friday, January 21, 2011

Feeling drained...

Haley came home from school yesterday not feeling well...and so it began. She didn't want a snack, and she didn't want dinner...yep, not a good sign. She was complaining that her stomach hurt all evening so needless to say I was VERY hesitate to let her sleep on her bunk. All I'm thinking of is the kind of mess I may have to clean...and with the amount of poop I've been cleaning up this week, I really didn't want anything else on top of that. However, she insisted, so we let her. But after an hour or so, I still didn't feel right about it, so I decided to bring a trash can into the know, just in case. Well, at the moment I walked in she sprang up in bed with that "look" know the look every parent has seen from their kid right before they harf. Well, let's just say I got that trash can in front of her in the nick of time! I should get some kind of mother of year award for that kind intuition!

She is feeling much better today thankfully. Piper on the other hand of course still greeted me this morning with a bed full of four...ugh.

So yeah, I'm just feeling a bit drained...I hate seeing my kids sick.

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