Thursday, January 20, 2011

Piper...still sick.

I have a few more details of yesterday's post...if anyone was wondering.

Apparently Carla Swart was on a training ride, she dropped her bike computer and turned around to get it. She didn't look...she turned right into a truck. The driver of the truck tried to avoid hitting her, slamming on his breaks and swerving out of the way. It was too late. A tragedy for both the cyclist and driver. Why she didn't look first...we'll never know. So sad.

In other news, I have been up to my eyeballs in poop around here. The single vomit Piper had on Monday was the least of my worries, it has turned into horrid diarrhea. Every time she wakes up in the morning or from a nap I go in to find her covered from her neck to her toes in poop. I know, I know...gross, but these are the not so fun moments of mothering. Cleaning up poop. She seems to be eating and nursing fine...although the only solids I've been giving her are rice cereal, bananas and doesn't seem to be helping. The nurse at the doctor's office said that if it continues for more than 10 days to bring her in (that is, as long as they are eating and drinking fine). 10 DAYS?! Are you kidding me?! It better not last 10 days...I'll go crazy!! So anyway, as you can imagine the washing machine has been going full blast for the last three days. Oh Pipes, feel better soon!

Haley brought home a little book she made at school about her family. I'll leave you with her story:

My Family
By Haley

Daddy is nice.
Mommy is pretty.
I am pretty.
Morgan is crazy.
Piper is cute.


  1. Oh I am so sorry. Sick kiddos are no fun. And cleaning up after them is the worst. So sorry.

  2. Oh, poor Piper. Eston had the same thing last summer and it lasted for 9 days...just under the 10 day mark! Hope she starts to feel better!
