Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dinners, Big Love and Piper's first tooth.

So you know how I'm on a quest to save more money this year (gotta save for that bigger car), and I must say I had a pretty spectacular week regarding dinners. One chicken fed us 3 nights, plus two lunches for Ryan. I roasted it the first night, chicken noodle soup the next, then bbq chicken pizza the third. I only post this because having planned dinners rarely happens in this house. Usually around 4 in the afternoon I'm like, "Hmmm, what should I do for dinner?". But even then, my meals rock if I do say so myself...that is, as long as my kitchen is stocked...and if it's not, well, we have spaghetti.

We started watching Big Love (the first season) in the evenings. It's definitely different. If you ever want to see Bill Paxton's rear, this is the show for you, as he walks around naked constantly. I guess when you have three wives and you're trying to keep them all satisfied, you're gonna be naked a lot! Anyway, I do enjoy seeing familiar places in the background, being filmed in Salt Lake City and all. And why do they make the Mormon kids in the show totally dorky and not very realistic at all? Well, maybe Mormon teenagers are different in Salt Lake City. I know when I was growing up I would have never used the phrase, "Remember, CTR man!" to my friends. (CTR stands for Choose the Right for my non Mormon readers). But then I'm a little more discreet about my religion...unless you ask a question about it, or I need to defend it, I really don't talk about it in front of random people.

**Edit- For those that haven't seen the show, yes, there are characters that are LDS, in addition to the polygs.

So anyway, yeah, Big Love...interesting.

In other news, my little Piper has her first tooth popping up...very exciting! She has her 9 month check-up next week. Wow, 9 months, how times flies.

That's all for now...back to my Saturday.


  1. Polygomists aren't Mormon, and Mormons arent's polygomists.

    I've never seen Big Love, and obviously it's a TV and not reality, but I think that's an important detail.

  2. Yes,you're right, I probably should have specified, as I wasn't very clear. They do have disclaimer in the show explaining that as well.

  3. You have inspired me. I shall roast a chicken tonight!

    And I have seen Big Love. It gets weirder and weirder.... If you have never seen Damages, rent season one, its amazing!
