Thursday, January 6, 2011

Proof my dogs are not always hyper!

Look at these two lazy bums.
Seriously, sometimes they can surprise me. For as hyper as these two are normally it's amazing how they can just lay there with tons of commotion going on around them. And you would think they would move when I'm cooking...oh no, I trip on them constantly and bonk them with cabinet doors, but they just lay there. Why can't they be this calm all the time?! See's proof...they can settle down!!!
Morgan isn't the best at playing by herself in the basement yet. So this is how she plays when I'm cooking in the kitchen. All the toys slowly make there way up the basement stairs and and all over my kitchen floor.
I'm scared to go down in the basement sometimes...I don't even want to know what kind of mess is lurking down there! The stair case alone is frightening...I may break my neck tripping on the toys! I just close the door...out of sight...out of mind!

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