Sunday, February 27, 2011


I had a pretty relaxing birthday yesterday.

Ryan and Haley went out first thing that morning to a local bakery and picked up some raspberry rolls and cinnamon rolls. They were delicious! I had two...and enjoyed every bit of them!

I have been reading Charlie and Chocolate Factory with the girls and we finished it the other night. The girls absolutely loved it! So, after our breakfast I layed Piper down for her nap and we all snuggled on the couch and watched the movie Wilie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the original with Gene Wilder). I haven't seen that movie in FOREVER, so it was fun to see it with the girls for their first time. Morgan didn't really like it...she got scared when Charlie and Grandpa Joe drank the fizzy water and floated into the air toward the ceiling fan. She says she hates that movie and never wants to see it again...but I think she'll come around.

That afternoon we went off to the mall...I wanted to use some gift cards that I've had forever. This ended up not being as fun as I thought it fact I left the mall, not only empty handed, but depressed as well. I felt very...overwhelmed. Shopping used to be very easy and fun when I was young...but now, I just feel very out of place. Every piece of clothing looks either too fancy for my every day wear, or just over the top and not for me. Every woman in the store looked very made up and glamorous...I felt very ordinary and plain. Depressed. I tried on a few pairs of jeans...but nothing worked. I tried on some skirts...but again, nothing worked. I looked at some shoes...but nothing called out to me. I need a personal shopper...someone to find things that will work for me. I was tempted while at Nordstroms to go to the make-up counter and let them make me over. I was scared I would just burst into tears, "Please, it's my birthday today...and I'm not feeling good about myself...Make me beautiful!! And can one of you find clothes for me too!". But I didn't. To be honest, the girls behind the counter kinda scared me...they were a little too made up...and I certainly didn't want them to make me look like a clown.

So was a shopping failure.

Luckily, things turned around and I didn't stay in a depressed state all day. That afternoon Ryan got a fire was so nice to sit by the fire and watch the snow was just what the doctor ordered! Ryan also whipped up a good dinner of brats and fries...yummy! And we had a HUGE cake that he bought earlier...double yummy!

Ryan and I ended the day cozying up on the sofa watching a NOVA special about Typhoid Mary (hey our options are slim at the library). It was actually very interesting...but of course as much as we fought it, we still may or may not have dozed off a few times in front of the TV.


  1. You should have have gone shopping with Nicole, she always knows how to pick stuff

  2. that Typhoid Mary one is a good one.
