Thursday, February 24, 2011


I should probably do an update on what's been going on around here.

I started weaning Piper on Monday. I started with her midday nursing's the easiest to start with...half the time I end up skipping that on anyway because we're too busy running around on errands. So yeah, started Monday. Well, turns out...she HATES the bottle!! She spent the majority of the afternoon Monday crying. Any time I brought the bottle close to her, or even in her eyesight, she just went ballistic! Luckily, it's improved over the last couple of days. Yesterday, I got her to drink 4 oz of formula!! So, I think she's coming around...I think she's realizing that if she wants to eat, she has to start getting used to that stuff.

My birthday is quickly's Saturday if you want to know. Not sure what our plans are just yet. We thought about going into Salt Lake for breakfast, but the weather might be crappy so we have to think of a plan B. What ever we do...I want to eat some good food (maybe not good for you food, but good food none the less). If we don't go out to breakfast I want a big huge cheese danish...yeah, that sounds good...with a big huge cup of coffee to go with it! Yeah, that's the way to start a birthday morning! And I think I want to go shopping! I have some gift cards that are burning a hole in my pocket!!

Yeah, so another year...another year older. Not that I'm old...I know I'm not old or anything. But you know what I've the checkout line at the grocery...all the people on the magazine covers are now younger than me. Seriously though, when did that happen?! They used to be all older than me! Now, when I see who's on the cover, they are so young!! Taylor Swift, Kardashians, Justin Bieber...and a bunch of other people I don't even know!! Crazy.

I'm starting to get the desire to start decorating around the house more. We have a huge window slider door in the family room that has yet to have any type of window treatment on it. So in the evening when we're watching TV it's like we're in a huge fish bowl...the neighbors have a full view of our family room...with us it in. So, no chances of getting frisky in that room that's for sure! Just kidding...but seriously. So, anyway, I finally bought a curtain rod to hang something up. Turns out, table clothes are the exact same size of the curtains I need...and they are waaaay cheaper. So yeah, I'm hanging up table clothes for our window treatments. I'll let you know how they turn out! I'm also getting the itch to paint. I have some ideas floating around in my head! Keep you posted!

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