Monday, February 21, 2011

What We're Watching

First, a quick update on the weekend. I was able to adjust my attitude (my dad would always use that phrase growing up..."This kid needs an attitude adjustment!") So yeah, I had an attitude adjustment. The afternoon was very nice. We went to the Life Science Museum and then to the library. Perfect activities for a rainy day.

So anyway, as you probably already know, we don't have cable (yes, I miss it at times). We've been through all of our Mad Men (3 seasons)...I'm anxiously waiting for season 4 to come out. We've been through season 1 of Big Love...I haven't been willing just yet to shell out the 35-40 dollars for the next season yet. We've watched the first two seasons of Flight of the Conchords. We've also watched a bit of Alias...but the discs decided to crap out so we never finished season 2. And then we've watched some of the movies in our library that we haven't seen in a while or at all. Juno, Cold Mountain, Valentine's Day, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, European Vacation...of course, this is over a great deal of time...we don't watch that much TV at once. In fact, we rarely finish a movie in one night. By ten at night we're both falling asleep in front of the TV...goodness, that's sad.

Anyway, I know this is very thrilling...our TV watching. But, at the library I was excited to find this:
The PBS series, Manor House.
I'm a big fan of these types of series PBS puts out. If you're not familiar, they take ordinary people and plunk them into a particular year in history and they have to live as the people actually did from that era for three months. Everything is totally often they can bathe, what they ate, how they dress, activities they did, and so forth.

Years ago we watched the 1900 House.

And before that we watched The Frontier House.
The Manor House is a little different because it deals with three distinct classes: the aristocrats, the upper servants and the lower servants. It's quite interesting to see how they all get along. The lower servants are not even supposed to make eye contant with the aristocratic family...they must make themselves invisible and basically hide in a corner until the Lord or Lady leave the room. And then the poor Scullery Maid...she's the lowest ranking of servants...she basically stays in the kitchen ALL DAY cleaning dishes and scrubbing floors. She isn't allowed anywhere else in the house. And for one dinner party they can go through over 1000 pieces of silver!!
Anyway, I just find it fascinating how people lived years ago. I wonder how I would do if I lived during that sure makes me grateful for the things I have today, that's for sure! Dishwashers, washing machines, refrigerators, cars, disposable diapers, Tylenol, tampons...need I go on? I think you get it.
So you may want to check these series out if you're in need of some good TV watching.
In other news, Ryan has off today...I know it's a miracle!! He took Haley up to Sundance for some skiing snowed a little more overnight, so they're going to take advantage of the fresh pow pow this morning!


  1. They also have "1940's house" if you haven't seen that one either.
    I don't have cable anymore as well, so I rely on Netflix. If you haven't seen Dexter or Damages yet, they are totally worth watching!!!

  2. We don't have cable either, so I am going to look for these at the library!

  3. Oooh, I haven't seen 1940's House! I'll have to look into Dexter and Damages...also Jeff says we have to see Californication and Spartacus.

  4. I didn't care for Californication.... Maybe its because I don't think David Duchovny is attractive-ugh.

    BUT... Spartacus is AWESOME!!!!!! Do you like sex? Do you like hot men with hot bodies? Does Ryan like boobies? Does he also like gory, bloody, filthy violence? It has something for EVERYONE- so so so good!

    PS-Dexter is filmed right here in LB. You will recognize many locations starting halfway through season one. Its still one of my favorite shows! Well, that and Deadwood...

  5. Ha Ha...that's exactly what Jeff said about sells I guess.

    When I think of David Duchovny I just think of X-Files.

  6. Look into netflix. especially the streaming. You may need a blueray player or something.

    but web streaming movies and TV for $8 a month.

    oh.... there is also a pbs about pilgrims and one about the stone age, or iron age, where they all get some food born disease and quit the show.

  7. They were prepping raw meat inside. Also they seemed unable to do dishes without a dishwasher.
