Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's Saturday...

...I should be happy, right?

I'm feeling down, grumpy, irritable. I hate when I'm like this. Not motivated, and mad at everyone.

Winter is getting to me today. It would be so nice to have an outdoorsy activity to do with the kids. Instead, here we are...inside. We have plans for later, but it's a gloomy, ugly day.

I want a vacation. I want to go camping in St. some hiking and feel the sun on my skin...maybe even sweat.

In other news, I think I'm going to start weaning Piper next week. I'm tired of nursing. I know, what kind of mother am I?! I'm feeling a bit trapped lately. I want my body back...I need a break that's longer than 3 hours.

I want to go skiing with Jeff before the season is done. I can't do that if I'm nursing.

I love being a mother...but I'm tired today. I'm tired of Piper's high pitch screams she does...she does it when she's happy...she does it when she's mad. She probably screams about every 30 seconds throughout the day. It's like finger nails on a's ear piercing...I'm not even lying...or exaggerating (okay, I may be exaggerating about the every 30 seconds). When I'm talking to my brother on the phone he says it's like there is some type of parakeet in the background. After hearing her screams all day, I'm about ready to start banging my head against a wall by dinner. I truly may start wearing big ear protectors soon...anything to keep my sanity.

It started to rain...swell.

Ryan is out training in it right now.

Kids are watching Shrek. This is the only way I can get them to be quiet and still while Piper naps...because she wakes up at the drop of a hat.

I can see the dogs through the window....they're getting soaked. One is sitting on top of her dog house and the other is eating her poop...lovely.

I think I'll stay in my jammies for a while longer...drink another cup of coffee...and wallow.

I better turn around my attitude around before Ryan gets home...I really, really don't want this day to go into the crapper.


  1. Hang in there Kelly! We all have those days and yucky weather does not help. The girls are so lucky to have you as their mom!

  2. Thanks Cheynna...I needed that.
