Thursday, February 17, 2011

Better Example

I know swim suit season is still a few months away, but I got to thinking about it, and the fact that I need to purchase a new one. A full piece. Wait, I'll start slow...a tankini.

I realized something this morning when Haley came down stairs. I gave her a morning hug and kiss and then attempted to lift her onto my lap. Fact is...I can barely lift that girl anymore! I realized how big she is getting...she is turning into a full fledged kid. A kid who notices EVERYTHING! And a kid who listens when we don't want them to. (I have been known to curse under my breath...that needs to stop...she is listening!) So anyway, I've come to realize that I need to be a better example to her...because she is watching!!

That's where swimsuits come in. Haley has become very interested in bikinis lately. I'll put a lot of blame on Barbies...I tell ya, you can never find a decent outfit for those things! Anyway, she's been asking for one this year. Of course I say no. I have never been a fan of small children wearing bikinis...I think they look absolutely ridiculous! The top always hikes up around their neck and their little kid bellies stick out's true! Don't pretend you don't notice that too! Sorry if your kids wears one...but that's how I feel. So, back to Haley. I tell her no...she can't wear one until she's 18...seriously...I'm not joking...18...okay, who am I kidding...who knows when she'll actually wear one, but I know, not right now! Her response to my "no", was, "well you wear one, so why can't I." And she's right...I do wear one.

So I've decided to be a better example...I'm going to buy a new one...more modest one...for my children's sake. There are actually a lot of cute ones out there. But, I'm not going to get rid of my bikinis...when Ryan and I go off to some tropical island vacation spot...just the two us...I'll wear them. Ahhhhh, that sounds nice. I think I'm ready for a vacation!

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