Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Venting about Valentine's

It's time for an update.

I've been in a blogging funk to be honest. Around any type of holiday I have to be careful about what articles or blogs I read. I have a tendency to see all these neat things that other people are doing or making (I'm amazed with how creative people can be!)...and then I feel I don't measure up. I have tons, TONS of crafty blogs on my google reader that I like to read...but at times it can be a bit overwhelming. Or I read these blogs, and then I feel the need to take pictures of my little crafts that I I have to keep up or something...or prove myself to the world. "Look, look what I can do...See I can be crafty too!!". And especially Valentine's day posts bother me. Sometimes it feels people like to go over the top with how they celebrate or what they give to their loved one...then they love to post about it. "Look what we did" type post..."See how much we love each other!!!". "See what I did for my love!!!" Like they are the only ones in love. I know, I know...people can post what they want, it's their blog. But, some people "live to blog about it" instead of "blogging what they live." (I totally stole that phrase from someone, I think that's how it goes). And I don't like it when people post things just to show's phony...and we can all tell. I don't like reading something that makes me feel inadequate or that I'm a crummy mother or wife. I'll have to stay away from those blogs.

I'm not sure any of that made sense to anyone...but whatever.

Anyway...okay, enough of that, I said my piece.

We had a very nice Valentines. I made my traditional Valentines dinner: Steak with mustard cream sauce, fresh green beans, mashed potatoes, and molten lava cakes for dessert! It was delicious! That was, after I welcomed Ryan home by standing naked in the doorway...okay, not really (although Ryan would have loved that!) I just wanted to make sure you were all paying attention.

No it wasn't quite like that...but it was a very nice and delicious dinner. Jeff joined us...even if he did have to eat and run (he had to finish studying for some exams this week) it was nice to have him with us. Simple evening at was perfect.

Some pictures of Piper.
She loves to sit by the window and watch the dogs run around the yard.

Ah, the joys of the Tupperware cabinet...every kid's favorite!


  1. Just so you know, I did jack around here for Valentine's... you can always feel perfectly adequate with me!

  2. Who is this Jack guy?

  3. Kelly, you are so funny.

    I love your blog because it is you! You blog about your life - you don't live to blog. {I love that quote too}.

    Every so often I unsubscribe to a bunch of blogs because I'm so sick of them and find myself comparing myself to them. I completely understand what you mean.

  4. p.s. don't read my blog tomorrow. :)

  5. Megan I would never put your blog into that catagory...I love reading yours!!

  6. This may have been my favorite post..... EVER!
