Saturday, February 12, 2011

The First Tease

Yep, temps in the 50's today...well, upper 40's, low 50's. It's BEAUTIFUL! The sun is out, I actually felt the warmth on my skin! This will mark the first (of many) Spring like temps coming our way...a glimpse that Winter will eventually come to an end. It may be a tease, but it gives me hope. I long for BBQ's, eating on the patio, picnics, and going out for ice cream. But then, I remember, it's only February...we'll get hammered again. Must have patience!

So today the girls spent a huge chunk of the morning making cookies with our neighbor. She is such a nice lady...she has really made us feel welcome in the neighborhood, and she really enjoys our children. So yeah, how can I say no to that! I not only get a break for a few hours, but also got cookies out of it!! Win, win for me!

While they were gone I spent the morning ripping out the shower door on the tub in the girls' bathroom. Those slider doors weren't working for me. Ah, it felt good to rip something out of the wall! However, Piper didn't agree. She spent the entire time screaming. I don't think she liked the noise of me banging the shower doors around...sorry Pipes, but I had to get it done!

This afternoon Ryan did some manly work around the yard. He cut back all the grape vines and started trimming the trees...if you've seen our yard you will know what a huge task this is! I had every intention to help...honest. But somehow I never made it past the chair on the patio...once I sat down with the sun on my face...ah, it felt so good. All of sudden the thought of sludging around a muddy, poopy backyard didn't really appeal to me anymore. Sorry babe, maybe next time I'll be more motivated. You did good work though!

So now to kick off these lovely temps we're having, I think we're headed off for some burgers.


  1. time for first planting of peas and spinach.... other assorted greens.

    the seeds should say "Plant in spring when soil can be worked."

  2. We still have snow covering half our garden... Too soon?

  3. as soon as the soil can be worked. you are hoping for the minute it dries... or is kind of dry.

    But no reason to not have the seeds sitting around waiting to be put in as soon as it's ready.

    What that actually means is that the ground can't be Frozen solid.

    I'd guess the reason half the garden still has snow is because the house is shading the other half it, right now.

    Grab some seeds on the way home at home depo... Redwood and 90th. Spinach... mustard... Peas... I like snow, or sugar, or snap...

  4. Yeah better do what the Mop says!

  5. Can't handle stopping today. Sorry.
