Thursday, March 24, 2011

Another Week

Last week I posted that Ryan only had one more week left of his job before he moves on. However, it's being extended another week...for now anyway. This just gives me more time to stress (and maybe procrastinate) purchasing our health insurance. Oh I dislike researching different plans...such a pain...and so much money!

Parent/teacher conferences are this week. I met with Haley's teacher last night and we had a very nice chat. I'm so proud of my little Haley girl...she has worked so hard this year! I absolutely love her teacher. Being a teacher (years ago) myself, I can spot a good one pretty quickly! She's very supportive and always available. She's also very maternal which is nice since Haley can be on the sensitive side sometimes. She really made Haley's transition into a new school a smooth one. I really hope she'll be there when Morgan is in first grade!

Anyway she shared a funny story about Haley.

One of the mom's that volunteer in the classroom had a baby. So Haley's teacher had the class create a book for her with baby tips or advice on motherhood to give her as a gift. She said Haley's contribution was the funniest!

Haley wrote (and of course I'm just going by memory):

"First, you get really BIG! Then, after you have the baby you get really, really busy! Finally, you just let yourself go."

Should I be offended? Nah...

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