Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What I'm Reading

Last night Ryan went to a meeting and didn't come home til later in the evening. After I put the kids to bed I started reading this blog NieNie Dialogues and could not stop! I sat there for over an hour going through her archives. My friend Meg at So Buttons introduced me to it.

I remember NieNie's story...I read all about in our local newspapers when her accident happened in was big news around here. Nie Nie (Stephanie) and her husband were in a terrible plane crash in East Arizona. She was burned over 80% of her body, and her husband was also badly burned though not to the extent she was. I remember watching her story on Oprah too. But, I didn't realize she was a big, I was doing a lot of catching up last night. I love how she writes...and love her style (although I could never pull it off)! She writes about her family and being a mom, and I think she does it so well! Not at all gaggy! I love that! She is very makes my trials seem pretty pettily. Anyway, just thought I'd share.

And just a side note...Her post today shows a picture of her dog (I believe it's a Brittany like we have) pooping and then...what do you know...he turns around and eats it. Nice to know another Brittany does that too! Just for the record though...only one of my Brittanys will eat her poop. Belle is the guilty one!

Speaking of reading...I finished Life of Pi a few months ago. It only took me like two years to finally finish it! I know...sad! I started it, then I forgot about it, then I would start reading it again and so on. I enjoy reading a lot, it's just hard to find the time. Before bed I'm too tired (or I'm too busy reading other people's blogs). Usually, when both kids are in school and Piper's napping is when I sit down and pull out my, that totals to about 2 hours a week. So yeah, Life of Pi...I really enjoyed it, although it started out a bit on the slow side. A lot jibber jabber about zoos and such. It didn't really get good until he was on the boat. But anyway, not that I'm telling anybody anything knew...I think I'm one of the last people to have read it.

A month or so I started reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It's not so much my style, I'm not the thriller/mystery kind of girl. My favorites would have to be Historical Fiction. But anyway, it's holding my attention, it's definitely very interesting! We'll see how long it takes me to finish. Life of Pi is only like 300 pages or something and it took me two years to read it. This book is like over 600, so I imagine I'll be done five years from now.

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