Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

Let's see, not a whole lot.

Fat Tuesday today. I'm making a Mardi Gras King Cake tonight to get into the spirit...any reason to make something sweet I'm all for! I'm supposed to hide a fava bean in it, the person who gets the bean will have good luck all year. Well, I don't have fava beans and neither did the store I went to...so that's out. But I'm sure we'll enjoy the cake either way.

Speaking of sweets. My little bro (yes I just used "bro" in a sentence) came over last night with freshly made lemon bars. The bars were made from scratch (no box mix people!) by...wait for it...Jeff himself!! I know!! I thought he was lying when he said he made them. Say what?! Anyway, I guess he was feeling a bit domestic and whipped them up...and lucky for us, we live close enough that he brought some over! Yummy, thanks Jeffy boy!

Okay, so is it bad to nearly flip someone off when I'm with my children? That's probably not a good idea. Okay, I know it's not a good idea, that's why I refrained in doing it. But, sometimes, when someone is out of range to be yelled at, or in my case the person was in their car...the "bird"is the only thing I think of to do to let someone know how angry I am at them! Okay, let me explain. I was walking to get Haley from school and a car (already going well over the speed limit) driving down the same street. They're coming to the stop sign that we're approaching to as well. I'm already peeved because they're going too fast. Then, right in front of us they decide to blow the stop sign...not even a tap on the brakes!! If I had a rock in my hands I would have thrown it at the car! I didn't, so naturally, the next thing I thought of was giving the finger. I didn't. I just yelled something stupid...like, "What are you doing...you MORON!!" Not that it did any good...whatever. But seriously...I can't stand people like that! They have absolutely no regard for what's going on around them. Idiot.

I would not be a good commuter...I would have a serious problem with road rage.

Dang my temper.

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