Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday in Pictures

We started the day off with the annual Fairy Tea Party held at the library. The girls had such a good time last year, we decided to go again...I think I may just plan on doing it every year while I can. The day will come when these things won't appeal to them anymore...I'm not looking forward to that! I love these girly-girl things, and I'm glad they do to!

Practicing her curtsy.

All ready to go!
It just so happened that Haley's friends from school were also there.

The Fairy King and his Court.

The Ballerinas.

The girls were showing the ballerinas their moves.
The Fairy Princess.
Later that afternoon we ALL went for a bike ride...first time ever for Piper! It was a beautiful day! I was supposed to work in the garden...I have to get those seeds planted. But, the idea of going on a ride sounded better...and I'm glad I did! It felt so good to get out for a bit. The garden will have to wait. I did get a small area prepped on Friday. Good enough I hope. So all I have to do is make some trenches and get those seeds in. This week...honest, I'll do it! So yeah, the bike was really nice!
Piper did really well...her and Morgan took a little nap, and Morgan read her a story. I don't think Piper cried once!

Haley took this picture...she said her hands were cold and she couldn't hold the camera steady. So this was the best one. In the other one Ryan's head was completely cut off. So, at least she got our faces in this one!
I feel it, Spring is coming!! I can't wait!!


  1. I sort of miss that window all the time. Part of the reason i'm so obsessed by the feb window is because i've missed it so many times. Weather is dynamic, so who knows what will happen over the next month. Things will dry out at one point. You can also try and get stuff planted in the mud, you are just talking about a little trench 1 inch deep and some seeds in the ground. If it dries out at all, get those seeds in. I've remembered numerous years waiting waiting for it to dry out so I could get some tilling in.

    I had a small engine guy I talked to the other day. Let me know if you are interested. He is probably in west jordan and not in provo. What you are looking for, is for some guy who has a ton of lawnmowers for sale on his lawn. That is the sign of a guy who knows how to fix small engines. Keep your eyes out, or I can give ryan the number.

    Then next planting will be beets and carrots and other various spring plantings.

    the next thing on my list is to trim the trees and bushes. That can be done in the bad weather, in the rain even.

  2. I've started on the trees and bushes... it's going to be a process!

  3. We have the rototiller and we even have a place to take it to that a neighbor suggested. But we are looking for a cheap...very cheap...lawn mower to keep at our rental.

  4. Oh! A fairy tea party!! I can't wait until my girls are old enough to appreciate such things. Well, let me amend that. I can wait because I'll miss the cuddly baby stage, but bike rides and tea parties will be super fun too.

  5. be careful with the fruit trees, if someone did a good job with them previously, it needs to be maintained.

    Other trees and scrubs are roughly aesthetic
