Friday, March 4, 2011

Piper...moving up in the world.

My little Piper is almost 11 months old! She started pulling herself up a couple weeks ago, but just these past few days she's been doing more often. She has discovered that there is a whole new world on top of our coffee more folding clothes on it for me! She's pulling herself up, however she still doesn't crawl. She prefers to drag herself still...she uses one arm and one leg to get around. Ryan calls her our Zombie baby.

She has started fighting her naps recently. I let her cry for a while, then I go rock her, she cries, I rock on and so on. It takes nearly an 45 minutes for her to finally fall asleep! Hopefully she won't keep that up for too long!
I'm trying to get motivated to get our garden going. I'll get started prepping the soil. I really don't know what that means, but I'll get out there and try to do something. My goal is to have some seeds planted by this weekend. My garden won't be perfect this year...I'm a rookie after all. But I'm excited about it...I'm excited about having the girls help me with it too! It will be a learning experience for all of us!
Oh, and in case you were wondering if a harmonica can be flushed down the toilet without clogging can.
Yeah, don't ask.


  1. You can see the dirt? Man - I'm jealous. We still have about a foot of snow on the ground. I asked Aaron if he thought it'd melt by May...I HOPE SO!

  2. Good luck with your garden! Google "companion planting" and it tells you what things to put together and what to avoid...this worked for me last year!!
