Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Beginnings

Ryan has put in his notice at his work...that's right...two more weeks and he's done. This was not a decision that was done on whim...we've been discussing it for a long time. He's been grabbing other opportunities that have come his way to make this transition work. He is now moving into the role of an Independent Sales far his lines consist of Reynolds, Colnago, Pactimo, and Krieg Bags. Coaching and freelance writing will also be thrown in the mix.

Like I said, we've discussed this for a long time. It's the right thing to do, and it's the right time to do it. But...I'm scared. Excited too...but very scared. I know it will all work will be just fine. But I'm terrible with change. This is where Ryan and I complement each other very well. He's more of a risk taker...he's confident..and he handles change much better than me.

Spring brings a fresh beginnings...and I'm excited for whats in store for us this year! It's going to be a big change...that's for sure!