Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring is in the air!

I finally did it! I planted three rows of seeds! One row of peas, one of spinach, and another of lettuce. Again, I have no idea what I'm doing...and because you can see my garden from the road I feel that people are driving or walking by laughing at me inside. "What is she doing?! Ha, ha...she'll be lucky if she gets anything to grow!" But, I'm out there getting my hands dirty...trying. It felt so good to be out in the sun was beautiful! It must have hit 65 and no wind...just lovely! I needed a day like that, being outside the majority of the day getting my vitamin D fix. And it's amazing how when the weather warms up, everyone is out and about, jogging or biking, and kids are playing. Haley had a friend over all afternoon and they had a ball riding there scooters all over the place. Piper played in the grass while I worked in the garden...yes, the grass is getting greener and bulbs are starting to pop up! I don't have any idea what's planted in this yard, so Spring will bring lots of surprises!

I'm starting to get to know more women in the neighborhood. There is a group of moms that walk their kids to and from school too. Every day after school we hang out and chat while our kids play on the's really nice. And the other day the girls spent a good chuck of the afternoon playing with our backyard neighbors on their tramp. There is a little door in the fence separating our yards that the girls go's kinda cute! The fence is really old and nearly falling down in places so I'm sure it will have to be replaced at some point. I wonder if they would be up for keeping the little door there?!

I love this time of year. But yes, I know it's only March and we'll have more storms, but for now it's just beautiful!


  1. Yesterday WAS a beautiful day! I wish I was out working in the yard like you were. That just sounds so wonderful. Hopefully this weather lasts through the weekend.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yipeeee!!!

    Umn... I was at home depo once buying sees this early. The womans said "you can plant now".....

    don't get too excited about the lettuce. What we get at the store is grown hydroponicly, and ends up much different than what you will get.

    But congrats!!!
