Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stay away...I'm feeling confrontational lately.

Friday was another lovely day! Haley got out at 1:30 that day, so the rest of the afternoon her and Morgan played outside. It must have been in the mid 60's and according to Haley and Morgan that's swimsuit weather...crazy children! If we had a play pool they would have set it up in a heartbeat...we didn' they had fun playing with buckets of water.

I put Piper in the little swing in our backyard. The yellow part of the swing that keeps her in broke a while ago (Haley and Morgan being too rough with it)...but, I rigged it so that is would stay put. I sat right beside her the whole time just giving little pushes. I wanted to run in just for a minute to grab the camera so I asked Morgan to sit beside her. I ran in (literally it must have been 15 seconds later) Haley runs in yelling that Piper fell. I race outside (again, under a minute of time has past) and find little Piper sitting under the swing crying and Morgan now where to be seen. Apparently, Morgan decided to pull the swing back really far, Piper then leaned way forward dislodging my handy work and out she fell. Morgan freaked out and ran to the side yard to hide and cry alone. (She does that, hides when she's upset...her favorite spot is behind our fake little tree in the living room...she reminds me of that kid in Christmas Story when he hid in the cabinet under the sink.) So anyway, Piper was fine, no harm done. But I think I need to get a new swing that's more secure!

Swimsuits and buckets of water...what else does a kid need?!
Saturday we met up with Ryan in Salt Lake (he was doing some racing). After, we took the kids to Liberty Park for a picnic...the girls were so excited! So we find a good spot and not five minutes pass and this little mangy mut (not on a leash) starts scoping out our stroller. The dog belongs to this really trashy lady. Sure enough that damn dog peed on the stroller! So I get up and tell her to put her dog on a leash...her reply (after she puts her hand to her ear and pretends not to hear me) "Put your kids on a leash!". I yell something back, I don't even know what I said...but I was mad! She walks away over to her equally trashy husband. I seriously wanted to take her down and smash her face in the wood chips! I sat back down, but couldn't relax until they left the park...I was too busy giving them evil stares the entire time. I hate it when I do that...let people effect me that way, because believe me, I was thinking about it for the rest of the day...I still am. What happened to just being nice. If she had said, "I'm so sorry." She wouldn't even have to put the dog on a leash, just a simple "sorry" would have made all the difference...just acknowledge that she didn't mean for that to happen. Is that too much to ask for these days?!
And then, also in the park these three boys were chasing around a squirrel. The squirrel ran up a tree and then the kids started throwing rocks at it! What the hell?!! What is wrong with people?!! They were old enough to know better. And then Haley starts chasing them telling them that it's not nice to do that to animals. And then some random lady yelled at them to cut it out and leave the squirrel alone. Seriously, I wanted to go high five that woman! Too many people sit on the wayside letting things we are scared to stand up for what's right! Don't be.
So, other than those two incidents we had a great time. We came home, Ryan made a fire, ate leftovers and called it a day.
It looks like another beautiful day today. I'm thinking a family bike ride is in order this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't encourage your behavior. But sometimes I feel like people need to be told "NO". Somehow... that is lost these days. Maybe a tenancy toward too much tolerance. marshmallow kids turned bad. And I swear I was a marshmallow kid.

    ah... look it up.

    Keep fighting.
