Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A bike ride can soothe the soul.

Seriously, family bike rides just brings out happiness!

Look at the face on that girl...pure joy!
Haley cracks me up when she's on the tandem...the entire time she's either talking about something, or singing. She absolutely loves looking at the scenery and points out every horse she sees. One of the reasons riding to the lake is perfect for her...there are lots of horses! The weather was perfect! We went to the lake and then back up to our hood to let the girls play at a park for a while.
Piper and Morgan took a nap in the trailer. Unfortunately, since she napped, Morgan didn't fall asleep until 10:30 that night. She sat in her bed reading books...by the time she dozed off her bed was full of books and she had a huge stack of them beside the bed as well. The price we pay for a afternoon family bike ride. I'd say it was worth it!

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