Thursday, March 17, 2011

One Week

One week from now Ryan will be self employed. Wow. It's still a bit surreal to me. I'm's true. However, I have no doubt that a year from now everything will be completely under control and financially stable. But this year will be hard...that I know. Luckily, Ryan and I make a good team...I think we do well under pressure. Okay, he does well under pressure. I basically do better if I don't know the financial details...I just save like a mad woman assuming the worst...even when were doing just fine. I think I have some type of phobia of finances. Seriously, women lib people would be appalled at me for not taking more initiative in my finances...Ryan does it all. I paid the bills once...long, long ago...but I would just freak out, "Oh my gosh...look at all these expenses!! We can't afford this, can we?!". So Ryan took over all bill paying...I can't handle it. Sad, I know. But, I think I'm pretty good at saving money...that's where I contribute. I'm not a crazy spender...I think about every purchase I make and ask myself the same questions. "Do I really need this? Can I go without for a while longer? Where can I find this cheaper?" So anyway, we're cutting all the corners we can...and saving our pennies.

Something that is causing me much stress is the fact that we have to now purchase our own health insurance...and I have been researching different plans...yeah, talk about freaking out! There is a lot that goes into getting your own health insurance...I take back all the bad mouthing I did when we were getting it through Ryan's work. I didn't know how good I had it! But it needs to be done! And dental...we need dental! Teeth can either make or break your gotta have good teeth!!

Anyway, I'm digging deep and finding my inner pioneer woman. I bake my own bread and all our sweets. And of course our garden...don't let me down garden...I need you to come through for me this year!

And something that we are extremely proud of and work hard to do is the fact that (besides our two mortgages), we are debt free!! least we have that going for us! Which is nice.