Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Until next time

Yep...I enjoyed you while I had you...and I will miss you. You gave me more confidence in myself (women may deny it, but it's true, they do). You helped me fit a lot better in all my shirts, sweaters, dresses, and yes, swimsuit! It was lovely, I felt like a woman and not a preteen. Yes, I'm referring to my breasts. I realized the other day when I ran down the stairs...putting my arm under my chest for extra support was no longer needed. There was nothing there to support anymore...sad. I'm still nursing, but only once a day in the evenings. But even then, they're pretty much nonexistent. Woe is me...

But, on the up side...I'm sleeping without a bra for the first time in a year! A year, people!! That's a long freakin' time! In fact, at this point a bra is pretty much useless at anytime of the day.

I will be mourning this loss for a while.

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